Health & Safety Policy
This policy is designed to provide a framework within which the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, customers and other stakeholders of Mitchell and Webber Ltd. has been addressed.
It is the Policy of Mitchell and Webber Ltd. to comply as a minimum with all legislation and take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the Safety, Health and Welfare of all Employees, contractors and anyone else affected by the activities carried out by the company.
The success of this Policy is reliant on all Employees and contractors of Mitchell and Webber Ltd. actively complying with the requirements of the Policy.
The success of this Policy cannot be achieved unless there is co-operation between and Management, Employees and contractors of Mitchell and Webber Ltd.
It is essential that every Employee and contractor draws to the attention of their Line Manager any Health and Safety concern arising from our activities in order to ensure that effective remedial action is taken.
All Employees and contractors of Mitchell and Webber Ltd. should comply with the following basic requirements:
- Take reasonable care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
- Co-operate with Management and follow all instructions, rules and procedures.
- Identify hazards and implement controls where possible and reporting those which cannot be controlled to an acceptable level.
- Be pro-active and bring to the attention of Management any shortcomings or areas where improvements could be made in policies and procedures.
- Not to put business pressures ahead of the maintenance of high standards of Health and Safety throughout the activities of Mitchell and Webber Ltd.
- All Employees will have access to a copy of this Policy.
Approval for this statement
Robert Weedon
Managing Director
22 January 2024
Please use the links below to download the Health & Safety Guidelines in PDF format.
Kero PDF
GasOil & Derv PDF
More information on Health & Safety can be obtained from the HSE web site and environmental information from the EA web site.